For meat lovers out there, smoking it is one of the best ways to enjoy meats. That is why it is vital that you know your smoker so you can get the best results.
Now don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of wonderful meat smoker reviews out there, but that alone won’t help you unless you understand what kind of smoker you should get and the type of meat you should use. That is why in this important that you pay attention to this article.
First of all, you need to understand the kind of smoker you should buy. Why should you buy a meat smoker in the first place? Why can’t you just broil or bake the meat instead? While these are good ways to cook meat, smoking meat is another story.
List of Contents
How Meat Smokers are Helpful
Buying a meat smoker is simple; it helps in cooking your meat slowly while preserving the natural flavor of the meat. The flavor is also enhanced by smoke and while the process of cooking is longer, it can certainly result to that distinct smoky flavor that you can only eat in popular restaurants.
The type of meat smokers may vary. It could be powered by charcoal, wood or electricity. Traditionally, charcoal is used in smoking meat but since there is a demand for meat smokers, electricity smokers were created to meet the needs of users.
Now, don’t get me wrong the traditional way of smoking meat is fantastic but there now plenty of ways that you can control your smoked meat thanks to modern day technology that allows you the liberty to control the dampness and temperature of the meat you are smoking. In this article, we will talk about the top 3 meat smokers that you can find in the market today. They are:
- Masterbuilt 2007091030 Inch Electric Digital Smokehouse
- Weber 731001 Smokey Mountain Cooker 22-Inch Charcoal Smoker
- Brinkmann 810-7080-8 Gourmet Electric Smoker
But before we go to that, you must first remember these important tips on what to look for in a meat smoker:
There are plenty of smokers out there that is true. There are smokers that may be a combination of a griller and smoker but before you decide on buying that one, you must also have these qualities to go with.
- Check for its versatility – by tradition, smokers is built for smoking meats only. These days, there are meat smokers that are designed with grills that can be used separately or simultaneously. So when you are looking into a meat smoker, make sure that you look into the built and usability.
- Consider the size – there are plenty of smokers that are made for the outdoors thus they are often built large. However, this is only good if you are smoking meats every day for about a hundred people. If you are going to cook only for your family then a small version is better as this can be easily controlled and operated compared to a large one.
- Check the heating source – are you more of a traditional person when it comes to meat smokers? Traditional smokers make use of charcoal or wood however new versions make use of electricity or gas as they can cook quickly compared to traditional smokers.
- Outdoors or indoors – this is no-brainer as you only need to see if the smoker you like can be used outdoors or indoors. If you want something that is both then you might as well get one that works best for your preference.
- It mobility – a meat smoker must be easy to transport. Of course, bigger smokers are tougher to move around but if you prefer something smaller then find a unit that can be moved regularly. This will help you move it in various locations to your liking.
Since meat smoking takes a long time to process, you have to be sure that the cooking area is secured and safe. Once you get use to smoking meats, it will be a lot easier for you to use it. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to keep an eye on it every once in a while and make sure that it is safe at all times. This way you can avoid accidents while cooking.
The Top 3 Meat Smoker Reviews
Are you looking for the best meat smokers in town? Perhaps you have no idea what to get? If so then let me make it easy for you. These are the top three of best meat smokers that you should consider in case you go shopping for one.
1. Masterbuilt 2007091030 Inch Electric Digital Smokehouse
For those of you who don’t know, Masterbuilt is known for making the best smokers in the market. Their name is almost synonymous to meat smokers as they are the first ones to pop in mind whenever we talk about smokers. Now Masterbuilt is known for the versatility of their products but if you are looking for the best kind of smoker then consider getting the Masterbuilt 20070910.
This smoker is one of the modern smokers that you can find in the market and you will be pleased to know that it’s worth every buck. For one, this smoker is designed with 730 sq. inches space for cooking alone and comes with 4 racks that is chrome-coated. It also has an 800 watt heating element which is precious to have when you are cooking large meats.
It is designed with timer controls so you know when your meat will be ready and digital temperature monitor that allows you to see how much heat your meat is getting. This wonderful meat smoker can be set from 100 to 275 degrees F and can also be fueled by wood chips in side loading of the unit.
It also comes with a dripping pan and air damper which allows you to cook your meat through and through making it perfect not only for those who are new to meat smoking but to all experts in this field. Plus, this unit is sold below $500 so you know for a fact that it’s an affordable one.
[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500″ identifier=”B00104WRCY” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”smokerzone-20″ width=”500″]
- It’s easy to use, clean and to operate.
- It’s easy on the budget.
- Reliable and can last a long time.
- It can be easily set up.
- Can help you save time while cooking.
- It can maintain the heat and temperature very well.
- It makes or produces constant smoke.
- The thermostat works well.
- You don’t have to deal with ash formation.
- The drip deflector works well too.
The only problem with this unit is that the settings do not have any control. You have to manually push the buttons to set up the desired temperature or heat that you prefer. Other than that, this works well compared to other units.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B00104WRCY” locale=”US” tag=”smokerzone-20″]View The Masterbuilt 20070910 on Amazon Here[/easyazon_link]
2. Weber 731001 Smokey Mountain Cooker
This smoker is considered to the game-changer of meat smokers these days even though charcoal is the main fuel for this smoker. This is because this smoker is made from porcelain-enameled steel and the handles are made to be heat-resistant.
There is also a 2 nickel-plated 22-1/2-inch-wide cooking grates that sums up the total of 726 square inches making it large enough to cook any kind of meats. The water-pan is added as well as a built-in thermometer so it’s easy to monitor the temperature of the meat. There are individual vents on the lid and bowl as well and a storage cover is added.
This smoker is under a ten-year limited warranty so you can know for sure that you have something to fall back on in case this smoker breaks down while under warranty.
[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500″ identifier=”B001I8ZTJA” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”smokerzone-20″ width=”500″]
- It can maintain heat very well.
- It can cook meats thoroughly.
- It is a budget-friendly smoker that works great.
- Easy to clean and operate.
- Some parts may appear damage or broken. It’s best to contact the company for new replacement especially if you are still under warranty.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B001I8ZTJA” locale=”US” tag=”smokerzone-20″]View This Weber 731001 Smoker On Amazon!!! [/easyazon_link]
3. Brinkmann 810-7080-8 Gourmet Electric Smoker
Designed by the Brinkmaan Corporation, this smoker is one of the favorites when it comes to medium sized smokers mainly because you can take this smoker anywhere just as long as there is an electric plug or outlet available.
While the size is pleasing, this smoker also has other features that make it one of the best. For one, it takes small space compared to other meat smokers. The bullet-shape of this smoker is perhaps one of the most distinct features plus the fact that it’s gorgeously finished, it’s no surprise that this because one of the best.
This smoker comes with two cooking grills which fit perfectly in its body. If you have a small family then this is the smoker you need. The door is hinged and the smoker is designed with a steel water pan that porcelain-coated making it more user-friendly. The bottom part of the smoker holds another base pan so the space inside is easier to use.
[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B000HM8DMS” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”smokerzone-20″ width=”500″]
- It is very light-weight with an attractive design.
- The handles are made of wood so it’s easier to handle and transport.
- It’s durable, easy to use and reliable.
- It’s also easy to clean.
- You can use it as a smoker or griller.
- It does not take much space inside your kitchen.
- It’s very easy to transport around.
- It provides you with the best smoky flavored meats.
- It is powered by electricity.
- The setting allows you to control the smoke within the unit.
- It comes with vinyl protector so you can cover it when not in use.
- The only problem with this unit is that the heating element cannot be adjusted and so temperature regulation can be tricky. However, this is not something that you should be worried about as this smoker can indeed give you the best results.
Now that you know what kind of meat smokers you should look into, it is also important that you know the kind of meat you should use when smoking. This way you can pick the best ones and come up with a great result.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B000HM8DMS” locale=”US” tag=”smokerzone-20″]Get The Brinkmann 810-7080-K Smoker On Amazon[/easyazon_link]
So what meats are best for smoking anyway?
Since smoking is a slow process of cooking, the meat you choose should be something that is lean and would not dry out easy even after it has been cooked for at least 30 minutes or longer. However, we cannot deny the fact that meat that is full of connective tissue and fat are more flavorful and delicious compared to lean ones. That is why the best kind of barbecue is based on bad cuts of meat yet they remain to be every person’s choice.
But if you are new to smoking meats, we suggest that you should start using pork shoulder as starters. You can always go straight to your butcher and ask for the best meat to use in smoking and he will give you one. They are less expensive too compared to other meats and as you slowly but surely master the art of smoking meats, you can then move to another type or cut that you like.
For poultry meats, you can choose whole chickens for starters. You can also choose chicken quarters; all you have to do is season it with your favorite spices and into the smokers. Beef briskets are also excellent for smoking. They are considered to be the king of smoked meats but they are not too cheap so you might have to prepare for this one.
Make sure that when you buy one from your butchers get the flat ones and not the “point” or “deckle”. Your second choice for beef is your prime ribs. This is also expensive for starters but will definitely give you the best results.
Lamb meat can also be smoked just make sure that you get the shoulder part of it. It’s high in fat content but sometimes, a good lamb meat is hard to find. Make sure to watch out for the prices too as they can also be sold on sale among local butchers. The leg of the lamb is also a good part to smoke.
You must smoke this part slowly and surely at the right temperature so you can come up with the best flavors. If the leg is boneless, make sure to cut it in half so that smoke can reach all areas of the leg.
For your seafood, salmon is the best fish to smoke. It has thick portions and is fatty so smoking this fish can lead to great results. You can also try other fish but for starters, smoked salmon is the best. Lastly, you can also try sausages. You can either make your own sausages or buy one from your trusted butcher. Either way, smoked sausages are always great!
Final Thoughts
Smoking meats is a fun way to prepare your meat but if you don’t know a thing about it then it might end up badly. So before you do, make sure that the smoker you have is a reliable one; pick one of the top three smokers that we mentioned and you can thank us later. Don’t forget to pick the right kind of meat too especially if you are just starting out.
Don’t worry if you don’t get smoking meats the first time, you can always try again. Just make sure that you apply what you have learned; you will be a pro in no time. Don’t forget to invest in a good meat smoker too, it is always a must! We hope that you find this best Meat Smokers Reviews helpful, enjoy smoking that meat today!
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